Sunday 19 March 2017


I was strolling at the park yesterday and I went to the bridge where you can feed bread to those fishes residing in the lake. So I stopped halfway and leaned forward to take a better look at the humongous catfishes and while I was watching them feed, the topic of sustenance came to mind. 

Some were able to eat the bread with ease, 

Some had to struggle just to grab a piece of bread,

And a few struggled for so long but were still unable to reach the bread thrown by the people on the bridge.

It struck me that this is somehow the same with us. Some people were given the gift of wealth, or ease in whatever they do. Some needed to work hard just to obtain one thing while a few strive and struggled but were still unable to achieve the worldly things in life.

I realized I belong to the latter. 

When I decided to become a stay at home mom, believe me you, it was hard. I was so used to being busy and preoccupied with work and I never had the chance to really relax and focus on my son. Now that I suddenly have all the time in the world, it just felt weird and it felt like something was off. There are things that I want to do, for my personal achievement as an individual, but I guess Allah wants me to focus bringing up my children; my son and soon-to-be born baby. There are so many things hindering me from wanting to achieve certain things so I guess it's just the universe's way of giving me the no-no. 

Life's like that, you see. You don't always get what you want but you always get what you need. It's just a matter of us being content with what we already have or sulk about things that we can't have. One of the du'a that I always practised to achieve peace of mind is this:

"O Allah, You are indeed the best planner, so let me be content with Your plans."

It works but yeah, again, it is up to us to really believe in that. 

I haven't written for so long so I feel a bit rusty but hey, I am glad that I started anyway. 

Till then, assalamualaykum.

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